Dr. M. Omar Hashi
When American geo-political strategists look at the Horn of Africa they do not see governments nor delineated national boundaries. Instead what they see are LONG STRUGGLE: oppressed peoples fighting for their national freedom and their long-term/short-term goals with respect to maintain the oppressive US-backed regimes these peoples are fighting. Somalia is no different for America, it is seen exclusively as Long Struggle from the perspective of the Somali people resisting and the need to safeguard the dictatorial regimes in Addis Ababa and Nairobi from the blowback of that struggle in the context of long-term/short-term US interests. The people's struggle the Americans are more "concerned" the most about are the Somalis- who for the last 100 years have resisted in various forms either as clans or in post 1960 onwards as a national entity the Western backed Ethiopian colonialism project.
The current Western backed brutal Ethiopian occupation over Somalia and the intentional use of genocide against certain resistant communities there, is a direct result of this long term/short term geo-strategic interest at maintaining the initial regimes created out of Colonization and laying the seeds for the future unhindered exploitation of Somali land, people and resources. The US does not want the long struggle to destroy its interests, but wants the Somali input altogether out of the equation as it relates to the Horn of Africa sub-region.
The American and Western long term/short term goal is to safeguard their interests by supporting the wholly artificial Ethiopian regime in repressing various distinct African and Muslim nationalities, who have been forcefully subjugated into the empire. Practically everyone in Ethiopia and now Somalia continues to resist the Habasha Colonization to varying degrees. Secondly, in the eyes of the West once the Ethiopian regime has full grip it can then move against the Somalis who resist, first they are sorted out on the basis of those who collaborate and those who fight back and therefore must be uprooted, systematically brutalized as punishment.
The current senseless and brutal violence where daily war crimes are perpetrated against the 1. 5 million unarmed Somali civilians in Mogadishu, in context where not the slightest murmur is heard from international humanitarian organizations is telling. Western colonialism is the driving force for the humanitarian crisis in Somalia today as it was during the past century and half. Under the pretentions of Christian rhetoric and transnational crusades in the form of the War on Terror, a war exclusively against Islamic lands and peoples, the Ethiopian regime is facilitated to continue on murdering, continue on the occupation-genocide operation inside Somalia. The Ethiopian failure causing a genocide are nonetheless fully glossed over, the operation is success since it is maintained-- literally-- by the duplicity of Western governments, NGOs, mass media and business interests. Whereas everything else including humanitarian aid is denied to come into Somalia, we see the free flow of Western made arms, deployment of specific forces and military units as back up to the Ethiopian invading forces, including US Special Ops and surveillance by NATO warships.
All the while the Somali people are systematically deprived of any means to resist the better armed Ethiopian invaders or to make a livelihood for themselves, including the ability to grow food or engage even in normal commercial exchanges. Certainly, the Ethiopian occupiers have been specifically tasked by the Western powers and CIA to maintain constant and daily displacement of people and destruction of centres of commerce( i.e. burning down and looting of Bakraah market, Airport and Seaport pillage) to break the back of the Resistance, which is the people in their eyes. Throughout Southern and Central Somalia a compherensive blockade by land and sea is in place: nothing, including foodstuffs and medicine can come in and no one can go out. Yet the Western powers in their shameless propaganda have begun justifying this inhuman war crime as " fighting piracy" .
The Pirates are the Ethiopians invaders!
No one seems to ask who these pirates are in the first place? And how can these pirates be able to so easily slip out of sight, literally under the very noses of NATO and American warships prawling up and down the Somali coast? The answer is the truth these pirates are the occupying Ethiopian military and allied Mbgathi warlord proxies who operate with full US blessing. There can be no other explanation for this oddity, whereby 1.5 Somali people starve in Mogadishu, yet no humanitarian ships can dock for fear of being kept hostage for ransom. All the while US military supply ships dock on mysterious locations throughout Somalia delivering weapons to the Ethiopians, seemingly evading capture from the pirates! What's more, the pirates hold over a dozen ships, most of whom are carrying UN foodstuffs for the displaced all docked on ports strewn accross the coast all the while Western warships are engaged in a manhunt with no luck, but there are military supplies deliveryed and daily manovers involving 20 different navies taking place in the same waters off Somalia!
The only pirates that can operate in Somalia are the US-backed Ethiopian invaders and their proxy warlords who get plentiful access to enarmous quanity of firepower(including illegal chemical weapons), even while there are sanctions in place to stop such weapons from entering Somalia. On a monthly basis weapons including arillery and rockets are sold and delivered to the Meles regime via CIA operatives from places like North Korea- the source for much of the Ethiopian tanks, armoured trucks, artillery, helicopters and Kaytusha rockets that have levelled Mogadishu to ground and massacred thousands of civilians in Somalia.
The UN is an implicit party to all the War Crimes and atrocities in Somalia, since it was the first to blantantly sanction the invasion and then provide tje daming international legitimacy, despite breaking the one-sided arms embargo on the Somali citizens that continues today without tje silghest care for the Ethiopian weapons being off loaded. Everyone knows the UN fully supported the illegal Ethiopian invasion from the start, the UN is also one of the reasons for the continued occupation of Somalia by the Ethiopian regime. Without UN support the Zinawi regime would not feel that all the major powers are in agreement with its war crimes concerning the genocide taking place. Secetrary General Ban-Ki Moon personally even went as far as calling the Ethiopians who were invading Somalia "peacekeepers" while his own UN agency detailed massive human rights abuses taking place-- something unprecedented in the history of the UN during modern aggressions even in Iraq and Aghanistan. Giving a "green light" is one thing, but Ban-ki Moon explicitly made sure that no UN involvement would take place in Somalia( and it hasn't). In his latest report he even said if conditions were present, that is complete genocide, there would be no outside neutral UN force, but a "Coalition of Willing" whose purpose would be supporting the Ethiopian occupaiton. Suffice to say, all this has reienforced Ethiopian dictator Zinawi and his thugs to let loose the death squads who have no reason to even worry about massacring Somali mothers and children in front of TV cameras.
For all intents and purposes the UN leadership sees the occupying Ethiopian death machine as the best status quo, the centrepiece of what they like to call the envisioned "Coalition of the Willing" for Somalia. That is, of countries who would be willing, for ideological and mercenary reasons like Uganda, to support the Ethiopian Colonization and destruction of defencelesss Somalia.
Moreover, UN Secetary-General Ban-ki Moon as individual is as guilty as the warlord war criminal Abdullahi Yusuf, his Ethiopian master, the mass murderer Zinawi for actively engineering the "worst humanitarian crisis" in Africa intentionally. For the UN as whole in regards to the Somali case there can be no diplomatic immunity for the top UN officials like Eric Laroche et al for the rampant crimes against humanity taking place as we speak in Somalia. These crimes againt humanity are on a scale not even seen during the hieght of Rwanda genocide, let alone surpassing what has taken place today in Darfur, all of which was blessed by the UN.
After almost 100 years, the Christian Habasha rulers of Ethiopia (former Abyssinia) have failed. Ethiopia is as fragile, impoverished and illegimate as it was when the Western powers first awarded the Habasha tribal leader Menelik II the brutal suzaraignty over independent Oromo, Afar and Somali lands to the center, south and east. Despite all the Western powers interventions since then into the Horn of Africa to make sure this black colonization works, it has neither produced no contigious Habesha Christian empire, let alone proven itself sustainable in occupied Somali and Oromo lands inside Ethiopia itself. All this is testament to enduring reality of a Somali people who refuse to surrender to black Habasha colonialism the likes of which has not even done a fraction of good for the Habesha colonizers themselves.
For the Christian Tigrayans today, as well as for the Amhara, it is not a matter of destroying Somalia for political expediency but rather the implicit need to change human geography on the ground in the region, inside Ethiopia which propells their thinking towards Somalis. In their eyes, as long as there are Somalis speaking Somali and Somalis practicing Islam-- a Somalia exists even on paper-- they fear they will not be unable to maintain the "blurred reality" of a Christian island for long whereby the Oromo and Muslim majorities are invisible on the map, though they comprise the majority of the "Ethiopia" population.
As we saw in 2006 allowing Somali clans to rebuild from anarchy and decades of destruction, that is from the bottom up, even while knowing how far back the country was put in comparision to the 15 year military buildup of Zinawi's regime by the West, did not stop in the least the American geo-strategic planners from seeing Somalia's tenous peace under the ICU as tantamouit to a major threat for Ethiopia surivival and launched the war in the last calculation.
Invasion, mass murder and occupation therefore is a product of this deep seated paranoia and religious hatred for Somalis on the part of the USA and Western bloc.
Even though the Ethiopian invasion has so far been an utter failure, the Western powers will not disengage the negative policy. This is because the West does not see Somalia ourely from national actors perspective, but as a collective geo-strategic perspective. They do not have any overt economic and political objective as nation-states in maintaining the senseless homocidal Ethiopian military in Somalia, but as a collective bloc from the historic faith-based War on Islam and democracy in the Horn of Africa region, the current policy of occupation and genocide in Somalia can be seen as nicely fitting into this framework.
The Western geo-strategic objective in Somalia is all about maintaining chaos and disorder in Somalia. Before this objective was achieved by the warlords who were able to maintain disorder. At this time the Woyane dictatorship in Ethiopia serve to fully support any warlord or faction irrespective of clan, so long as there was a strong commitment to permanent destruction and death of Somalia. When the warlords, the most effective of these tools in the South, were forced out by a popular uprising of the people the Western geo-strategists hand was then forced to bring in their helper the Ethiopian Woyane dictator Zinawi to try and maintain anarchy and destruction.
The only flexibility which the Western powers entertain about a "policy change" ever coming to Somalia is not change in supporting useless, however much ruthless warlords, tfg war criminals and of course the Woyane Ethiopian dictatorship, rather it is not a change to support a real democracy in Somalia either-- since that demoracy will result in one whereby the Somali people become masters of their land and its resources. Rather the only changes of the Western policy is looking for a transfer much like as we saw with Menigusto-type Amhara to Zinawi-type Tigrayan faction in 1991.
In Somalia, the only future policy change-- other than giving Somalia and Somalis their national freedom the last option for America-- is first seeing how far a forced Ethiopian colonization or wholesale genocide of certain segments of the Somali population can produce in 21st century. If the Somali Nationalist Resistance survives, if the Somali people resist surive and continue on waging their resistance struggle to the Ethiopian genocide, concomittantly the West is unable to co-opt, fragment or destroyed the Resistance from the inside only then will the West as whole starting with America seriously settle for giving Somalia back its freedom and national sovereignity to save Ethiopia.
The Long Struggle for Somalia has begun and will continue until either the Ethiopian dictatorship itself becomes a victim to the forces of violence it has unleashed in Somalia. Until Ethiopia becomes to feel the effect of both a prolonged and unending liberation struggles predicatated upon the much denied genuine democracy for the oppressed people in Oromia, in which case all oppressed nationalities including Somalis will be given their freedom and their lands back, simaltanously resulting in the end of the Ethiopian empire as we know it. Or the United States and Western powers will feel that the only way to salvage its regime in Addis Ababa and thwrat democracy from blowing up inside Ethiopia is to give the Somalis back their country and the much deserved peace which they were so robbed of;consequently, it is only under these circumstances of expanding Resistance and fragmenting of the Ethiopian empire all the while as the occupation of Somalia comes to an end.
Source: Somalia blogs and news Technology Somali Blogs http://windowsandlinuxwebhost.blogspot.com/
Sports > http://torontobasketballfans.blogspot.com/
Additional Somali Sources
Af Soomali blog Somalia Blog YouSomali Number 1 Somali Blogs Mogadishu News Current Somali News Somali News Articles United Islamic Courts Blog Somali News Blog Somali By Somalis Somali Cities Blogs
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Amin Arts Discussions Somali News and Blogs http://www.somchat.com/
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